Registration for boarding school

The prerequisite for registration is to be a student at a De La Salle school in Strebersdorf.

Enrolment is carried out by the respective administration.

Information about the different types of schools at the Strebersdorf educational campus can be found on the websites of the specific schools:

If you are interested in visiting the boarding school, we would be pleased to offer a tour of our premises.

You can use our contact form contact form to make an appointment.

Costs for boarding school including school attendance and meals

for the 2024/25 school year

Mittelschule 1.128,- BAfEP starts by 1.024,-
AHS Unterstufe 1.163,- AHS Oberstufe 1.242,-


The multi-award-winning in-house kitchen at the Strebersdorf campus inspires culinary delights. The variety of the offer can be found in our current menu. Of course, food intolerances and allergies are considered and appropriate alternatives are offered.

© 2025 Schulverein De La Salle
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