Boarding school management

Mag. David Holzhöfer
Boarding school head
+43 1 29 125 783
Angela Dona
Boarding school deputy head
+43 1 29 125 1290


Angela Dona

Care of 10 - 19-
year-old girls

Sabine Bauer

Care of 10 - 19-
year-old girls & boys

Mag. Maximilian Röckl

Care of 10 - 19-
year-old boys

Manuela Tscherny

Care of 10 - 19-
year-old girls

Alexandra Zangger

Care of 10 - 19-
year-old boys

Julia Helmke

Care of 10 - 19-
year-old boys

Learning aid for students
with a non-German
native language

Rainer Rossi

Care of 10 - 19-
year-old boys

Sabine Rauscher


© 2025 Schulverein De La Salle
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